Monday, May 2, 2016

Bruce Mundhenke- A Poem

Long Dark Road

I had a choice
Of taking a path
On This journey of mine,
Or traveling a well used road.
The road is paved
And used by most,
The path is not well known.
On the road there are few surprises,
Though it grows darker the further you go.
The path leads to pain mingled with beauty,
And a sweet sadness
Some never know.
To choose the path
Is to find the way,
Avoiding the long dark road.

Bruce Mundhenke enjoys nature, reading, writing poetry, and long walks. He has published poems in Dead Snakes, Calvary Cross, UFO Gigolo, Plum Tree Tavern, Jellyfish Whispers, and Poppy Road Review.

He lives in Illinois with his wife and their dog and cat.

1 comment:

  1. A poem of situation for our corresponding echoes of our
